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Tramping Boots are Out, Trail Shoes are the Best Hiking Footwear Around
The era of clunky boots is over. Trail shoes are more energy-efficient, reduce blisters, and are no more protective of ankles than shoes.

The Best Blister Prevention Strategy for New Zealand Trampers
These simple strategies not only protect your feet but also enhance your overall tramping experience.

Reflections from Three of the World’s Long Trails
If you’re thinking of hiking Te Araroa it might mark the beginning of a journey that doesn’t stop at the end of the trail.

Experiencing Nature Through Minimalism and Simple Living
For trampers, minimalism is expressed in the form of simplifying our kits, simple living , and going ultralight.

Successfully Preparing for a Thru-hike
If you can make it through the first month, much of the physical challenge will have subsided. Mental challenges, on the other hand...

Post Trail Depression
Thru-hiking is, without a doubt, one of the pinnacles of personal achievement for anyone who succeeds. But it can come with downsides too.

Food on the Trail: Homemade and Ultralight Options
As we lighten our kit, food soon becomes the heaviest thing in the pack, this is all the more true at ultralight pack weights (as an...
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